If you’re a dog owner who's wondering…

“Will I ever be free to have family over without the shame of locking my dog in another room?”

“Am I ever going to be able to walk my dog without either of us feeling anxious, exhausted, and on constant high alert?”

“Is it even possible to train reactivity or aggression out of my dog AND do what’s right by them?”

If you’re a dog trainer who's wondering…

“Is there more than just operant conditioning to teach behavior?”

“Can I apply the latest science in my training approach to accelerate the success of my client dogs?”

“Is it even possible to break out of the divide between trainers and become the trainer the dog and human in front of me need?”

It’s time for you to join us inside…

“The program that changed it ALL” - Anna, reactive pit owner

The “life-changing” training program for dog owners and dog professionals 

who are craving a long-term solution to fear, aggression, and reactivity 

AND are ready to rediscover the magic of dog ownership through the power of neuroscience and empathy


Never Alone is completely different from any other courses I have done or trainers that I have used.

Melanie dives into the neurological and biological reasons why Matic does what he does. I now understand why what we have tried in the past hasn't worked, and I think just understanding Matic's brain a bit better has changed the way I perceive his reactivity issues.

The activities and interactions that we learn are so easy to do a few times a day as they are short and heaps of fun. Matic really enjoys himself. It has been quite exciting to see how the neuroscience of play works in real life.

Melanie's words have been encouraging when I'm feeling frustrated and she has helped me to have more realistic expectations of both myself and Matic. We still have a long way to go in our journey, but even we don't achieve my ultimate (and lofty!) goal of Matic completely ignoring other dogs, I know we will see improvements in his reactivity.

At the very least, we are strengthening our relationship with each interaction and having heaps of fun. I would definitely recommend Never Alone to anyone who wants to really understand their dog and their behaviours. It's been a fascinating journey!"

- Christine

Hey there!

I’m Melanie Uhde, Ph.D, M.A., international dog trainer, behaviorist, educator, and creator of Never Alone.

From my beginnings in Germany, where I completed my Ph.D. in Natural Sciences, I moved to New York in 2014 to continue my research at Columbia University, diving deep into Neuroscience and Immunology. Yes, it’s as nerdy as it sounds. 🙃

And it didn't stop there...

I have since completed Advanced Studies in Anxiety Disorders and Evidence-Based Treatments at Stanford University, published 16 peer-reviewed articles in prestigious scientific journals such as Brain Behavior and Immunity and Psychiatry Research, and am regularly present at canine conferences. 

All this, combined with countless hours of handling dogs, it’s safe to say I know and LOVE my stuff.

Canine Decoded was founded from a drive to turn the battlefield of clashing opinions across the dog training industry into a unified force for change.

My mission? To bridge the gap between the dream life we picture ourselves having with our dogs and the reality where 2 out of 5 owners consider rehoming their dogs because they couldn’t find the right help.

Hey there!

I’m Melanie Uhde, Ph.D, M.A., international dog trainer, behaviorist, educator, and creator of Never Alone.

From my beginnings in Germany, where I completed my Ph.D. in Natural Sciences, I moved to New York in 2014 to continue my research at Columbia University, diving deep into Neuroscience and Immunology. Yes, it’s as nerdy as it sounds. 🙃

And it didn't stop there...

I have since completed Advanced Studies in Anxiety Disorders and Evidence-Based Treatments at Stanford University, published 16 peer-reviewed articles in prestigious scientific journals such as Brain Behavior and Immunity and Psychiatry Research, and am regularly present at canine conferences. 

All this, combined with countless hours of handling dogs, it’s safe to say I know and LOVE my stuff.

Canine Decoded was founded from a drive to turn the battlefield of clashing opinions across the dog training industry into a unified force for change.

My mission? To bridge the gap between the dream life we picture ourselves having with our dogs and the reality where 2 out of 5 owners consider rehoming their dogs because they couldn’t find the right help.

After supporting dog owners across 10+ countries, I realized I had created something magical that was alleviating the struggles of so many dog owners. Not just helping them reshape the behaviors of their dogs, but to get their lives back! 

The core of that “magic” is to step away from judgment and instead empower people to reach their goals through expertise-driven empathy.

Everyone believes their method gets the best results… regardless of whether or not it’s the right fit.

But the industry is flawed. What makes me different is I will call out what’s not working and provide a path of progression that puts BOTH the dog and the owner at the center. 

Quick fixes and cookie-cutter protocols lead to disappointment.

The journey I’ll take you on will be yours and yours alone. No-one else will follow the exact same path.

Because the reality is…

After supporting dog owners across 10+ countries, I realized I had created something magical that was alleviating the struggles of so many dog owners. Not just helping them reshape the behaviors of their dogs, but to get their lives back! 

The core of that “magic” is to step away from judgment and instead empower people to reach their goals through expertise-driven empathy.

Everyone believes their method gets the best results… regardless of whether or not it’s the right fit.

But the industry is flawed. What makes me different is I will call out what’s not working and provide a path of progression that puts BOTH the dog and the owner at the center. 

Quick fixes and cookie-cutter protocols lead to disappointment.

The journey I’ll take you on will be yours and yours alone. No-one else will follow the exact same path.

Because the reality is…

…reshaping your dog’s behavior will depend on your dog’s personality, their level of fear or anxiety, and your daily routines.

It’s no joke when I say I’m really nerdy about the neuroscience of dog behavior and you bet I get excited when a new research paper lands in my inbox..  

I’ve created many of my own protocols and understand how to tailor them to YOUR needs. Everything I teach is backed by scientific research, designed to help dogs and their owners build a more harmonious relationship and reshape behavior by fighting the root cause rather than suppressing the issue.

Today, my team and I help dog owners across the world turn their dog’s anxiety and aggression into calmer and healthier outcomes.

It’s about more than just changing behavior. It’s about empowering owners to regain normalcy in their lives, create calmness at home, and provide a happy and fulfilled life for their companions.

…reshaping your dog’s behavior will depend on your dog’s personality, their level of fear or anxiety, and your daily routines.

It’s no joke when I say I’m really nerdy about the neuroscience of dog behavior and you bet I get excited when a new research paper lands in my inbox..  

I’ve created many of my own protocols and understand how to tailor them to YOUR needs. Everything I teach is backed by scientific research, designed to help dogs and their owners build a more harmonious relationship and reshape behavior by fighting the root cause rather than suppressing the issue.

Today, my team and I help dog owners across the world turn their dog’s anxiety and aggression into calmer and healthier outcomes.

It’s about more than just changing behavior. It’s about empowering owners to regain normalcy in their lives, create calmness at home, and provide a happy and fulfilled life for their companions.

What’s this magic R.E.A.C.H. Framework?

What’s this magic R.E.A.C.H. Framework?

All too often, the expectations of dog ownership don’t match the reality.

The R.E.A.C.H. framework is designed to get you closer to that “expected” reality by rebuilding the magic bond between you and your dog as you embark on the journey to overcome reactivity, fear, and aggression together. 

Here are the stages that’ll take you from anxious to accomplished.

R: Revive your motivation and ambition

E: Encourage change within your dog

A: Accelerate your new path of rehab

C: Create your dream life of dog ownership

H: reach HIGH to make new adventures possible

It’s grounded in my more than a decade of scientific research, intensive studies on dog psychology and neuroscience, and countless hours of observing and handling dogs.

Over 8 training sessions, you’ll follow a tailored program that walks you and your dog through the R.E.A.C.H. Framework, following a personalized path that connects your unique starting point with your unique goals

All too often, the expectations of dog ownership don’t match the reality.

The R.E.A.C.H. framework is designed to get you closer to that “expected” reality by rebuilding the magic bond between you and your dog as you embark on the journey to overcome reactivity, fear, and aggression together. 

🔥 Here are the stages that’ll take you from anxious to accomplished. 🔥

R: Revive your motivation and ambition

E: Encourage change within your dog

A: Accelerate your new path of rehab

C: Create your dream life of dog ownership

H: reach HIGH to make new adventures possible

It’s grounded in my more than a decade of scientific research, intensive studies on dog psychology and neuroscience, and countless hours of observing and handling dogs.

🗓️ Over 8 training sessions, you’ll follow a tailored program that walks you and your dog through the R.E.A.C.H. Framework, following a personalized path that connects your unique starting point with your unique goals

Curious what my students have to say about Never Alone?

click on each review and learn about their journey

Reshaping dog behavior takes time...

... and at Canine Decoded, we’re grounded in reality instead of promising a quick fix. 

But here’s what you’ll achieve with this program...

📒 You’ll have a personalized action plan to rehabilitate the most challenging behaviors

The ones that keep you up at night and restrict your social life.

🫶 Never again will you have to question whether you’re doing the right thing for your dog as you fend off questions and blame from others. All your questions will be answered and you’ll know exactly what to do and how to support your dog.

💡 You’ll know how to confidently tackle any new behaviors that arise. Because our dogs have wonderful, ever-changing personalities with quirks, fears, and a mind of their own.

🧪 You’ll master the why and the neuroscience behind every approach so you can reshape their behavior from a place of empathy and understanding.

🐕 And you’ll walk away with a complete and comprehensive roadmap that’s fun, engaging, personalized, and designed to establish long-term unshakable trust between you and your dog.

Here’s where the magic happens.

Session 1

Define Your Starting Point

Discover the foundational principles that shape all behaviors, from kicking dirt to barking at visitors.

You’ll learn:

🐕 How to quickly read your dog and identify the root cause of any behavior. With our simple 3x2 Behavior Matrix, you will accelerate your dog behavior understanding and read any situation like a PRO before bad habits develop - without monitoring every body part of your dog.

🐕 How to tailor training protocols to your dog's unique personality using our Canine Decoded Personality Star method.

With this process, you’ll create your very own Behavior Modification starting point, so you ALWAYS know what you and your dog need.

Session 2

Take Off with Confidence

The secret to lasting change in behavior is to create strong commitment and motivation in your dog.

In session 2, you’ll learn:

My core training philosophy and the foundational concepts you MUST master before starting any training.

📚 How to prime your dog to face any challenge with you. Create your personalized toolkit, and lay the foundational step for any behavior you desire to change, using my 4 Element Motivation Playbook

📚 12 powerful ideas to make your dog WANT to change

📚 Bulletproof training setups to make training instantly more interesting.

You’ll leave this session with everything you need to take off and REACH HIGH.

Session 3

Find Your Rhythm

Whether you’re a newbie in the dog world or have tried countless approaches before, my 3-Step Memory Blueprint will help you ideate, create, and practice your training approach based on your most pressing and urgent challenges.

In Level 3, you’ll learn:

👀 The “focus funnel” that determines your dog's level of focus on YOU versus potential triggers and distractions.

👀 The key principles that will make you absolutely irresistible to your dog no matter the situation. Distractions? No problem anymore...

👀 Our "quickie" technique rooted in the neurobiology of deep learning to see results, even if you only have 5 minutes.

Session 4

Create Unbreakable Trust

Reshaping your dog's behavior is just as much about your dog's ability to handle stress as it is about yours.

❣️ When you help your dog overcome trauma and stressful situations, encourage them to be curious instead of fearful and guide them every step of the way with empathy and patience, nothing is impossible.

At Canine Decoded, we don't create unrealistic or impossible training environments but leverage the power of overcoming short- term stress while minimizing long-term stress in real-life situations.

In Level 4, you’ll discover:

❣️ How we strategically design personality-driven training exercises to elevate mental resilience, create unbreakable trust and massively increase confidence in you and your dog.

Session 5

Your Repeatable Action Plan

Our understanding of dog psychology and behavior has changed massively over the last 5 years. With clashing opinions wildly

citing scientific research and a plethora of training protocols around every corner, it is time to zoom out, declutter, and separate

the noise from the truth.

In Level 5, you’ll learn: 

🎬 The strategies and frameworks we follow to rehabilitate the worst cases of fear, reactivity, and aggression. 

🎬 A proven and repeatable action plan for your unique situation.

🎬 How to bust all myths and misconceptions with a mini crash course on the neurobiology of aggression, fear, and reactivity, so you can debunk myths and be the knowledgeable human your dog needs you to be.

Session 6

Troubleshoot + Measure Progress

Discover the secret skill that will pull you out of stagnant management and into true progression.

In Level 6, you’ll learn:

How to tell the difference between truly rehabilitating challenging behaviors and "standing still".

We will share our very own checklist that will highlight your path of progression while ensuring all management strategies are in place to support your forward movement.

How to effectively troubleshoot using our 3x3 "Make No Mistakes" matrix.

After this session, you will also develop your very own personalized rehabilitation plan, packed with fun exercises and to get to know your dog on a deeper level. 

Session 7

Keep It Exciting

Whether you’re planning your first agility competition or expanding your handling skills at home, my 3-Step Enrichment Blueprint will help you ideate and create your next enrichment playbook from start to finish.

In the final Level 7, you’ll learn:

🪩 A fast method to easily create hundreds of exercise ideas tailored to your dog's likes and personality traits.

🪩 What healthy aging in dogs mean and what role nutrition can play in dog behavior and dog training.

🪩 You’ll walk away from this session with a comprehensive exercise directory that’ll help you establish unshakeable long-term trust with your dog.

It’ll be filled with fun moments - and you’ll be armed with the tools to create new exercises so you never run out of ideas EVER AGAIN.

Session 8

Your Questions Answered

We will share case studies and tips on how to progress further.

🏆 This is the final session, so it’s time to celebrate! You now have all the tools you need to continue training your dog.

Enroll Now

Here’s where the magic happens.

Session 1

Define Your Starting Point

Discover the foundational principles that shape all behaviors, from kicking dirt to barking at visitors.

You’ll learn:

🐕 How to quickly read your dog and identify the root cause of any behavior. With our simple 3x2 Behavior Matrix, you will accelerate your dog behavior understanding and read any situation like a PRO before bad habits develop - without monitoring every body part of your dog.

🐕 How to tailor training protocols to your dog's unique personality using our Canine Decoded Personality Star method.

With this process, you’ll create your very own Behavior Modification starting point, so you ALWAYS know what you and your dog need.

Session 2

Take Off with Confidence

The secret to lasting change in behavior is to create strong commitment and motivation in your dog.

In session 2, you’ll learn:

My core training philosophy and the foundational concepts you MUST master before starting any training.

📚 How to prime your dog to face any challenge with you. Create your personalized toolkit, and lay the foundational step for any behavior you desire to change, using my 4 Element Motivation Playbook

📚 12 powerful ideas to make your dog WANT to change

📚 Bulletproof training setups to make training instantly more interesting.

You’ll leave this session with everything you need to take off and REACH HIGH.

Session 3

Find Your Rhythm

Whether you’re a newbie in the dog world or have tried countless approaches before, my 3-Step Memory Blueprint will help you ideate, create, and practice your training approach based on your most pressing and urgent challenges.

In Level 3, you’ll learn:

👀 The “focus funnel” that determines your dog's level of focus on YOU versus potential triggers and distractions.

👀 The key principles that will make you absolutely irresistible to your dog no matter the situation. No distractions.

👀 Our "quickie" technique rooted in the neurobiology of deep learning to see results, even if you only have 5 minutes.

Session 4

Create Unbreakable Trust

Reshaping your dog's behavior is just as much about your dog's ability to handle stress as it is about yours.

❣️ When you help your dog overcome trauma and stressful situations, encourage them to be curious instead of fearful and guide them every step of the way with empathy and patience, nothing is impossible.

At Canine Decoded, we don't create unrealistic or impossible training environments but leverage the power of overcoming short- term stress while minimizing long-term stress in real-life situations.

In Level 4, you’ll discover:

❣️ How we strategically design personality-driven training exercises to elevate mental resilience, create unbreakable trust and massively increase confidence in you and your dog.

Session 5

Your Repeatable Action Plan

Our understanding of dog psychology and behavior has changed massively over the last 5 years. With clashing opinions wildly

citing scientific research and a plethora of training protocols around every corner, it is time to zoom out, declutter and separate

the noise from the truth.

In Level 5, you’ll learn: 

🎬 The strategies and frameworks we follow to rehabilitate the worst cases of fear and aggression. 

🎬 A proven and repeatable action plan for your unique situation.

🎬 How to bust all myths and misconceptions with a mini crash course on the neurobiology of aggression, fear, and reactivity, so you can debunk myths and be the knowledgeable human your dog needs you to be.

Session 6

Troubleshoot + Measure Progress

Discover the secret skill that will pull you out of stagnant management and into true progression.

In Level 6, you’ll learn:

How to tell the difference between truly rehabilitating challenging behaviors and "standing still".

We will share our very own checklist that will highlight your path of progression while ensuring all management strategies are in place to support your forward movement.

How to effectively troubleshoot using our 3x3 "Make No Mistakes" matrix.

After this session, you will also develop your very own personalized rehabilitation plan, packed with fun exercises and to get to know your dog on a deeper level. 

Session 7

Keep It Exciting

Whether you’re planning your first agility competition or expanding your handling skills at home, my 3-Step Enrichment Blueprint will help you ideate and create your next enrichment playbook from start to finish.

In the final Level 7, you’ll learn:

🪩 A fast method to easily create hundreds of exercise ideas tailored to your dog's likes and personality traits.

🪩 What healthy aging in dogs mean and what role nutrition can play in dog behavior and dog training.

🪩 You’ll walk away from this session with a comprehensive exercise directory that’ll help you establish unshakeable long-term trust with your dog.

It’ll be filled with fun moments - and you’ll be armed with the tools to create new exercises so you never run out of ideas EVER AGAIN.

Session 8

Your Questions Answered

We will share case studies and tips on how to progress further.

🏆 This is the final session, so it’s time to celebrate! You now have all the tools you need to continue training your dog.

After every session, there’ll be a fun homework assignment. These exercises and workbooks will help you put your learnings into action with your dog - from the comfort of your home. No fancy equipment or training setups needed!

You also get access to…

8 LIVE consecutive group sessions with Dr. Melanie Uhde and other students. 

Ask all your questions, share updates of your training, and find support and accountability from a community of other dog owners who are going through it all with you. I may be biased, but my students are awesome and I can’t wait for you to meet everyone.

Once enrolled in this program, you will get an email with the dates and a link to all eight group training sessions.

PLUS you get access to the following bonuses...

FREE webinar "The Neurobiology of Stress"

VALUE: $39

Topics of this webinar

  • “stress load” - understand how much stress your dog can take
  • types of stress
  • exercises to create resilience without overwhelm
  • how the brain processes stress
  • and more

FREE webinar "The Neurobiology of Aggression"

VALUE: $39

Topics of this webinar

  • the 3 neurological states of aggression
  • how aggressive behavior can become rewarding and addictive
  • why estrogen, not testosterone, promotes aggression
  • why the threshold for aggression is not based on the behavior you see
  • and more

FREE webinar "The Neurobiology of (Un)learning"

VALUE: $39

Topics of this webinar

  • why making mistakes is key to learning
  • why making mistakes is the secret behind variable reinforcement
  • why the magnitude of mistakes determines how fast your dog learns
  • why mistakes create rewarding sensations after successful avoidance
  • and more


"She really is spectacular. She’s engaging, extremely knowledgeable, organized, thorough. I had an incident with my dog and I reached out to her for advice and she responded to me extremely quickly and setup a call so we can work through it. If you do the work as she guides you and put in the time, you will see vast changes in both you and your dog."

- Beth

"Melanie is a gifted communicator and as a result, is able to take a huge amount of scientific information and summarize it down into clear, understandable, interesting and practical application. I feel I had plateaued when training with my dog and Melanie has breathed new life into helping us move forward."

- Marg

Your Investment for Lifetime Access to

NEVER ALONE Accelerated

🔥 8 core training modules on reshaping reactivity and aggression + exercises

🔥 8 consecutive group sessions with Dr. Melanie Uhde and other students

🔥 Lifetime access to all the content - go at your own pace

🔥 Worksheets, planners, and printables for accountability

🔥 Peer support community on Facebook - you're NOT ALONE

🔥 BONUS 1: Webinar "The Neurobiology of Stress"

🔥 BONUS 2: Webinar "The Neurobiology of Aggression"

🔥 BONUS 3: Webinar "The Neurobiology of (Un)learning"

PRICE for you: $699 USD

Sign Me Up

Keep reading!

I want you to know you’re NOT alone in this

The fact you’re here, reading this page says you want to find a solution to your dog’s issues so you can gain back your freedom and peace of mind, while supporting your dog.

That you value the relationship you have with your dog and want to do right by them.

That you’re in this to align your dream life with your life as a dog owner. To rehabilitate your dog’s behavior through adventure and fun that strengthens your bond, not by dominating or suppressing behaviors. 

But you also know you can’t go on as you are.

And here’s what I see for you:

✅ You understand what motivates your dog and what’s going on in their head when fear, anxiety or aggression are triggered, so that nothing seems overwhelming or surprising.

✅ You’re able to quickly pull activities and advanced handling skills from your tool box of tricks to redirect your dog’s focus and create new associations, so they’ll stop feeling triggered and you’ll never feel embarrassed or helpless again.

✅ You can confidently assess new behaviors and create an action plan to tackle them at the root cause, so that new adventures don’t seem so frightening any more.

✅ You’re able to go about your daily life without the constant fear of what your dog is going to do next, so you have time to take care of your own wants and needs for a change.

✅ You’ve built a magical bond with your dog that seemed impossible at the start and your relationship is stronger than ever. You feel comfortable sharing a space and are able to enjoy activities together again - and who knows, you might inspire others to do the same.

If that sounds like the future you want, I’d love to see you inside Never Alone.

I want you to know you’re NOT alone in this

The fact you’re here, reading this page says you want to find a solution to your dog’s issues so you can gain back your freedom and peace of mind, while supporting your dog.

That you value the relationship you have with your dog and want to do right by them.

That you’re in this to align your dream life with your life as a dog owner. To rehabilitate your dog’s behavior through adventure and fun that strengthens your bond, not by dominating or suppressing behaviors. 

But you also know you can’t go on as you are.

And here’s what I see for you:

✅ You understand what motivates your dog and what’s going on in their head when fear, anxiety or aggression are triggered, so that nothing seems overwhelming or surprising.

✅ You’re able to quickly pull activities and advanced handling skills from your tool box of tricks to redirect your dog’s focus and create new associations, so they’ll stop feeling triggered and you’ll never feel embarrassed or helpless again.

✅ You can confidently assess new behaviors and create an action plan to tackle them at the root cause, so that new adventures don’t seem so frightening any more.

✅ You’re able to go about your daily life without the constant fear of what your dog is going to do next, so you have time to take care of your own wants and needs for a change.

✅ You’ve built a magical bond with your dog that seemed impossible at the start and your relationship is stronger than ever. You feel comfortable sharing a space and are able to enjoy activities together again - and who knows, you might inspire others to do the same.

If that sounds like the future you want, I’d love to see you inside Never Alone.

I will be your friend, guide, trainer, and BIGGEST fan throughout this journey

🔥 8 core training modules on reshaping reactivity and aggression + exercises

🔥 8 consecutive group sessions with Dr. Melanie Uhde and other students

🔥 Lifetime access to all the content - go at your own pace

🔥 Worksheets, planners, and printables for accountability

🔥 Peer support community on Facebook - you're NOT ALONE

🔥 BONUS 1: Webinar "The Neurobiology of Stress"

🔥 BONUS 2: Webinar "The Neurobiology of Aggression"

🔥 BONUS 3: Webinar "The Neurobiology of (Un)learning"

PRICE for you: $699 USD

I am more than happy, satisfied, and thankful for what Melanie has been helping us. I have no words than thank you!

Our dog, Bunga, is a pittie mix rescued from Mexico, and we don't know her background at all. When I first contacted Melanie, we were struggling with her hypertension, biting behavior, pulling, insecurity, etc.  We also contacted other trainers for comparison. After the free online consultation, we decided to work with Melanie as we really liked her approach to understanding dogs' psychology. The training is not just obedience but understanding Bunga's mentality and developing a strong bond with her.  I honestly think we made the right decision!

In the program, we work on the weekly assignments as closely as possible to build a good relationship. In addition to the program assignments, we also worked on our biggest problem, biting (she bit almost daily, often breaking her skin) When she was excited, demanding, or frustrated, she would use her mouth. There were days when she could do things today that she couldn't do yesterday, and today she didn't bite, and then one day I would realize, "I haven't been bitten in months!  It's not so much that the particular training worked for the behavior, but that all the training crossed over, and I don't know when things started to change, but I really noticed that she is getting better and better. And Bunga and I are better together!!

I've learned a lot from Melanie. I can't make the fear go away! A dog needs to learn how to rest! Movement! Consistency! Bunga was adrenaline junkie! Play is not playing with toys but playing with the owner! And so on and on.

If someone struggles with a dog's behavioral issues, I strongly recommend Canine Decoded!!

- Eriko

“Sounds great, but how do I know if it’s a good fit?”

Never Alone is for you if:

You’re dealing with a reactive, aggressive and fearful dog and you’re ready for a long-term solution, not just a temporary band-aid 

You’ve tried other online programs, board and trains, or multiple dog trainers and just want to find the thing that finally works for you and your dog

You’re open-minded and willing to put in the work required to reshape your dog’s behaviors and build a deeper level of trust between you

You want a solution that’s grounded in scientific research and tailored to your dog’s personality type, not something generic

You’re a new dog owner who wants to start off training your dog right from the get-go

You’re a dog professional who wants to learn how to apply neuroscience backed protocols to support your clients and rehabilitate their dog’s behavior

You have access to a computer with an internet connection for the live calls, homework, and replays

It’s not for you if you’re looking for a quick fix, aren’t prepared to get hands-on, or don’t care about approaching the rehabilitation process from a place of empathy and understanding.

The first training plan that truly understands my dog.

"We've used a variety of training plans over the past two years, but this is the first one to really "get" what Rosa needs.

In the past, our trainers started with "the basics" of loose leash walking, thresholds, and confidence building - but those basics felt too advanced for Rosa, which left me frustrated and blaming myself for doing the training wrong.

The first time I spoke with Dr. Melanie, I knew her program would be different - her emphasis on getting to the motivations behind a behavior and reshaping behavior through neuroscience has been a game changer.

I'm having fun with my dog, strengthening the foundations of our relationship, and learning about the fascinating world of dog neuroscience all at once.

Finally, I'm not daunted by the long training process ahead - I feel excited and confident in our growth together."

- Ali


“Can an online program really be better than an in-person class?”

Answers to this and other questions you’re probably thinking right now.

“Can an online program really be better than an in-person class?”

In short, yes. I’ve been helping dog owners overcome reactivity, fear and aggression with online programs for several years, and the results have been “life-changing.” But I’ll leave it to my student Marg to talk about her experience.

Marg joined us online after feeling like she’d “tried it all” - things had gotten bad with her dog Buddy and she found herself living in one half of the house, while her dog buddy was living in the other. They didn’t trust each other and Marg didn’t know where to turn. He showed signs of aggression, fear and reactivity.

Marg lives in Australia, so was nervous about the timezone impacting her experience but it was never an issue. Even though Marg couldn’t join every call live, she’s been able to successfully implement the relevant lessons and has transformed her relationship with Buddy. She’s gone from “living on eggshells” to a “bright future” with Buddy. 

" Highly recommend! Dr Melanie, Canine Decoded, and her Better Together program have been life changing for Buddy and I..

I had tried many different tools and trainers only to have the unwanted behaviours return. I felt stuck, lacking confidence and uncertain of the future.

With Dr Melanie's help I am finally getting to the 'why' and the root cause of the behaviours rather than just treating the symptoms.

Buddy and I have learnt what is really important to work on and as a result our relationship has completely transformed. We have felt 100% supported without judgement. We have learnt new skills that we can sustain.

The future for Buddy and I is looking very bright 🌞 "

- Marg


“We’ve already invested a lot of money into this dog and nothing’s worked. What if this is another one of those programs?”

I completely get it. It’s easy to feel betrayed by trainers who promise the world and don’t give you results. People often come to us as a last resort after trying several board and trains, online programs, or even puppy school – and we’re often the last training program they ever need.

The thing with most other programs is you get limited support and are then left to your own devices. If you need to do more training, you pay to hire another trainer. If you need to ask follow up questions, you pay to hire another trainer… it goes on.

The TWO things we do differently inside Never Alone:

  • We give you homework with every module. At the end you will get the opportunity to get individualized feedback from Dr. Melanie FOR FREE, with direct pointers on how to improve and what to focus on next. But pssssst.... it's a surprise and will be revealed in the last module. No-one else does this and it’s something we’re really proud to offer.

  • We give you the tools you need to train your dog yourself. We encourage you to follow the frameworks and create your own training plans so you have the ability to do this time and again as different behaviors present. Not only does this equip you better, but it helps build a stronger, more trusting relationship between you and your dog.

"Having unsuccessful experience with previous training programs, we have found Canine Decoded to be the "right fit" training program, with markedly more positive outcomes with Brando. Brando was attacked twice at an early age by a large, unleashed dog. Since that time, he has been very reactive (aggressive, out of control barking and hair standing up on his back) when he encounters large dogs, no matter how gentle they might be.

While this will be an ongoing and iterative training process, the behavioral/relationship based Canine Decoded approach has resulted in dramatic improvements in the way Brando responds when he encounters other dogs. We walk frequently on the Beltline; and when other dogs approach, he will first look at the dog, then to me when I distract him, and then we will continue to walk along the trail without incident.

Other improvements: remaining "in place" during mealtimes, rather than underfoot in the kitchen or under the table; responding quickly to "come here" command after initial, instinctive impulse to run to the door to bark at people or dogs outside.

Overall, very satisfied with this program and would highly recommend to others for achieving positive results with their canine companions."

- Susan  

“I’m busy! How much time will I need to invest to see results?"

The live program itself is spread over 8 modules, with 8x 1.5-hour online coaching sessions. On top of that, you’ll need the time to take action and train your dog. You can see results in as little as 15 minutes a day. But of course, the results depend on your dog’s personality and their behaviors.

With each module, there’s also some homework which we strongly encourage you to complete.

Just because the program runs for 8 sessions, it doesn’t mean everything will be different after that (we like to keep things real here). But you will have all the tools and knowledge you need to keep building on the lessons and you’ll have access to the course materials to continue your training.

We try to make the training as fun as possible and encourage “play” time as a way to foster an awesome relationship between you and your dog. So while there is work involved, it won’t all feel like work.

“Will I get 1:1 access to you, Melanie?”

Unlike the annual LIVE program, Never Alone Accelerated will NOT give you access to 1:1 sessions with Dr. Melanie. However, you will have the opportunity to join 8 consecutive group sessions with Dr. Melanie Uhde and other students to report progress and get personalized feedback.

“How long do I get access to the training for?”

You get lifetime access to all the modules, workbooks, and resources. We get that rehabilitation isn’t a quick fix and want you to feel equipped to handle any situation, long after the program is finished.

If you feel you need additional support after the program ends, you’ll have the option to sign up for ongoing group calls.

“I have another question. How can I get in touch with you?”

If you have any questions at all and want to make sure this is a good fit for you and your dog, please send us a message at melanie@caninedecoded.com and we’ll help you make the right decision for your unique situation.

Your Investment for Lifetime Access to

NEVER ALONE Accelerated

🔥 8 core training modules on reshaping reactivity and aggression + exercises

🔥 8 consecutive group sessions with Dr. Melanie Uhde and other students

🔥 Lifetime access to all the content - go at your own pace

🔥 Worksheets, planners, and printables for accountability

🔥 Peer support community on Facebook - you're NOT ALONE

🔥 BONUS 1: Webinar "The Neurobiology of Stress"

🔥 BONUS 2: Webinar "The Neurobiology of Aggression"

🔥 BONUS 3: Webinar "The Neurobiology of (Un)learning"

PRICE for you: $699 USD

A Message from ME

Never Alone Accelerated is unlike any other program you’ve seen or taken.

And I don’t say that lightly.

I’ve dedicated my life to advancing the wellbeing of humans and animals through research and I believe wholeheartedly in training your dog from a place of empathy. 

I’m committed to seeing you develop a positive, shared life with your dog.

And it’s my mission to see fewer dogs rehomed and fewer owners having to make compromises by helping to build better relationships between dogs and their owners.

I don’t want you to try yet another training program only to feel let down.

And I refuse to see you try another “solution” that doesn’t really solve anything.

You chose the life of a dog owner for a reason.

Maybe you thought it’d be all walks in the park and picnics with the family.

Just because that reality didn’t match your expectations doesn’t mean it’s time to give up.

I will show you how to have the life you want with your dog and help you craft the tailored, step-by-step plan to get you there.

Dr. Melanie

A Message from ME

Never Alone is unlike any other program you’ve seen or taken.

And I don’t say that lightly.

I’ve dedicated my life to advancing the wellbeing of humans and animals through research and I believe wholeheartedly in training your dog from a place of empathy. 

I’m committed to seeing you develop a positive, shared life with your dog.

And it’s my mission to see fewer dogs rehomed and fewer owners having to make compromises by helping to build better relationships between dogs and their owners.

I don’t want you to try yet another training program only to feel let down.

And I refuse to see you try another “solution” that doesn’t really solve anything.

You chose the life of a dog owner for a reason.

Maybe you thought it’d be all walks in the park and picnics with the family.

Just because that reality didn’t match your expectations doesn’t mean it’s time to give up.

I will show you how to have the life you want with your dog and help you craft the tailored, step-by-step plan to get you there.

Dr. Melanie

Your Investment for Lifetime Access to

NEVER ALONE Accelerated

PRICE for you: $699 USD